Sunday, April 28, 2013

David Walliman's Phrasing Lesson

David Wallimann is the man!  In this short lesson, he demonstrates and explains what good phrasing is.  To sort of summarize what he says:
People enjoy meaningful music more than an impressive display of chops.  Stay on one subject and develop your phrases.  The audience doesn’t know where your phrases are going to go - they are moving slower than you are and need you to hold their hands while you take them along on the musical journey.  
David Walliman's Phrasing Lesson

Check out his youtube channel !!!

David Wallimann - Building A Song Diary

For a while now, David Wallimann has been posting some of my favorite music instructional videos on youtube.  When he posted this video, I was impressed at how cool and open he is about his songwriting process.  I’m excited to hear his progress as it goes.
 Building A Song Diary - Part 1

Check out his youtube channel !!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Advancing Guitarist by Mick Goodrick

 I've always been interested in how people learn.  Times that I came across new methods of teaching would open up new worlds for me.  The Advancing Guitarist by Mick Goodrick was recommended by many fellow guitarists.  I didn't take long before I realized that it could be a very important book in my quest for knowledge.  In the introduction, Goodrick explains how standard methods are not logical or complete in their approaches.  For example, the author notes that the guitar fingerboard can be approached one string at a time (linear playing), one fret at a time (position playing across the 6 strings), or a combination of both.  With what seems like a very basic observation leads to great insights!  Goodrick then proceeds to give guidelines for exploration, rather than a play this or that approach.  Lot's of great ideas on learning, timing, counterpoint, and excellent explanations on restricting your playing in certain ways: playing on one string, in one register, etc.  There are definite things that a beginner can try, but it gets into some pretty heavy music theory.  Definitely a fantastic book, one of the best I've read.  The name says it all.