2009 Sep 28
Hey everyone, Dave C the guitar teacher here...I know, it's been a long time. I haven't forgotten about you, I just haven't had time for the newsletter! Summer was busy with vacation, recording, and the like. I also recently started taking lessons with DC Jazz Guitarist Steve Herberman and it's been amazing!
News: I now have 3 videos available for download at Mikes Master Classes!
There are youtube clips for all of them:
How To Harmonically Analyze a Tune
The Major Scale
The Harmonic and Melodic Minor scales
New Paper: All 12 keys in the
first position - with tab! I'm not sure if any of you have every been
asked to play music in another key, but I figure the best way to get
started is to play all 12 keys in the open position. Another way to do
this is to play the same scale shape in all of the frets, but this way
will really get you to hear the difference between the scales.
Wisdom from fellow guitar colleagues:
These are words of wisdom coming from students - we all have something
to teach and share, so go ahead and let me know if you have any wisdom!
1. "The best way to learn guitar is to actually play with other people.
Solo practice is important, of course, but since I've been playing with
other folks, I've had the opportunity to apply what I learned in my
lessons with you. Granted, I don't apply it all that well sometimes, but
I get often learn from my mistakes and get a little better each time.
Thus, I think the two--solo practice and jamming--are the yin and yang
of guitar (to continue with the zen metaphor)."
If anyone's looking for people to jam with, let me know. There may be
someone else close to where you live that also needs a jam buddy!
My last guitar teacher said that people don't play together anymore!
They lock themselves away in practice rooms with their computers and
don't figure stuff out by ear with friends. Back in the day, long ago,
people used to get together, talk about music together, listen to music
together, and play together, trading licks and ideas. This is the tried
and true method of learning music - what Robert Conti calls "the mooch
method." You figure out how other people play by ear OR you wait until
your buddy figures it out, then get him to show you! We're all teachers
and students at the same time. After this, start a band, join an
ensemble. You'll learn music by playing music. What a concept!
2. "You have to think ahead when playing guitar, using strategy to get
your hands to the right spot at the right time. It's about knowing what
you want, then figuring out the smartest way to get it. We all need to
develop our ability to visualize the guitar without having to look at
the guitar neck. You can do this by blindfolding yourself or playing in
the dark."
When you're ready for this step, to really start internalizing the
guitar, you'll know. You have to balance this sort of playing with
practicing "under the microscope" ie: with a mirror and incredible
attention to detail. But after all of this, you'll be more comfortable
with the guitar, eventually being able to just play!
Songs that are being worked on in lessons - let me know if you'd like to work on one of these at some point!
Led Zeppelin "Stairway to Heaven"
Incubus "Just A Phase"
Paul Dukas "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"
Ten Years After "I'm Coming Home"
The Beatles "Here Comes The Sun"
Pink Floyd "Comfortably Numb"
Star Wars Theme
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